Family Groupings Example 1



Above is an example from my Family Groupings Outline.  This particular practice is focused on self defense techniques against 1-handed grabs or pushes.  Here we systematically examine every way we can maneuver and defend agaisnt this type of attack.


For instance, in Delayed Sword we step back away from our attacker while defending on the inside of his arm.  This naturally begs the question, "Can I step forward?"  You most certainly can, and one possible solution is found in Triggered Salute. 


Another question you might be led to ask is, "Can I defend on the outside of the opponent's arm (while stepping either forward or backward)?"  The answer is yes again, and possible solutions can be found in Lone Kimono and Conquering Shield.   


You might also notice that in Snapping Twig (push defense) and Clutching Feathers (hair grab defense) your position relative to the opponent is quite similar to Lone Kimono (lapel grab defense), and the orbits your arms follow in each technique are complimentary.


In parentheses I have included some defenses against punches that also work well as defenses against a pushes.  This is not an exhaustive list of additional technqiues, but it should suggest some relationships across categories.


These relationships (and many more) should help you become comfortable with the material and allow you to improvise or "mix and match" elements of technqiues, like Lego pieces.

(The links below direct you to the corresponding technique in the "Front Grab/Push/Choke" playlist in my youtube channel.)




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